Monthly Archives: January 2014

Hospitality Friday

The month of hearts and candy and flowers is upon us.

This is a great time for all in our church. We have a dinner for all and don’t exclude anyone, whether they have a sweetheart or not.

Making it Special

Here are some easy, inexpensive ways we spruce up our Valentine’s dinner:

  • I decorate with a lot of tulle. It is cheap and makes a great statement.  Tying a 2ft strip of tulle around chairs is easy and colorful. I use the colors red, pink, purple, and white.
  • The tables are decorated with candles and glitter. I make my own placemats with our theme verse on regular copy paper.
  • Pictures are taken as each couple walks in or person. We have a huge heart poster for them to stand in front of.
  • A great game we play is Minute to Win It. A senior adult lady has won the past 4 years. It is hilarious!
  • We also do a quick version of Newlywed game.
  • Each lady is given a rose for the evening, and we usually have a neat story of  how a couple met and how the Lord has stengthened their marriage.

It is a great evening to share the story of our Savior with all He is our greatest love.

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A Changed Life!

Years ago, we lived in Glen Rose, TX. Every year, at the outdoor amphitheater, “The Promise” is performed. As the character, who plays a grandfather, begins to tell his grandchildren the story of Jesus through song, the stage comes to life. The set, stage, lights, costumes, and music bring the audience into the story, and everyone is swept back in time to the day of Christ.

During one of the songs, Jesus is preforming miracles. One of these is the demon possessed man. This filthy, wild haired man, with his clothes ripped, is foaming at the mouth and speaking in a very evil voice while running around the stage. But when Jesus touches him and the demons are released, the man becomes calm, falling at His feet to worship Jesus.

I will never forget my feelings the night I saw “The Promise” as I pictured in my mind that Jesus, who saved and changed my life, had truly done these miracles. Tears rolled down my face at this true depiction of Jesus.

Recently, while reading Mark 5 about the demon possessed man, I was reminded of this night in Glen Rose and the depiction of love and mercy. We don’t know much about this demon possessed man, but we do know he was living in the graveyard, crying, and cutting himself day and night. We don’t know the man’s name, but we know the demon was “Legion.” Jesus arrived on the scene, and the demons, who even knew who Jesus was, were very afraid. They knew His power. Even they asked for mercy not to be sent out of the country but to be cast into the swine.

Well, that didn’t work to well for the demons or the pigs. As soon as the command came from Jesus, the demons entered the swine. The pigs went crazy, and the entire herd ran into the water and drown. The pig farmers weren’t very happy to lose their livestock, and Jesus was asked to leave.

A man’s life was saved, and, I hope because of this miracle, many who saw also believed. After Jesus freed him from the demonic control, the man wanted to go with Jesus. Can you blame him? I can’t! But Jesus told him to go home and tell everything that was done for him. And that’s exactly what the man did. Everyone marveled because they knew the life of this man.

I would like to know how the man got to that place, his full testimony. Had he made a life choice which had given opportunity to be chosen by demons and then possessed by them? How did he end up living in a graveyard? However it happened, he came to this state of being.

God’s mercy and love for this man is obvious. Yes, he probably made some unhealthy choices, not just for himself but for his family –  To the point Satan had control, causing self hatred and anger. This man even did self harm by cutting his own flesh. God created him and I believe Jesus went there for him that day. He loved him, wanted to save him. God’s plan for him was not to live with and endure hate, evil, and separation from family and friends, but to have a life of love, joy and peace. Jesus saved his earthly body that day, but more importantly, his spiritual body was changed forever.

Do I believe demons are on the earth? Absolutely! Satan is roaming the earth even now seeking whom he may devour and control. Jesus comes to us with love and mercy to changeourare physical well-being, but even more so our spiritual life. His power is greater than any the evil one can dish out! “Jesus”…just his name makes evil tremble! And that power dwells within us who know Him! I want to be like the changed man, and do what Jesus told him which was to tell “how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” What about you? Do you need a life change? He can and will do it!

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Filed under Devotional Thought

Trouble? Take heart!


In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33 NIV)

Have you faced trouble in your journey through the challenges of life? Have you been tempted to give up because of failure, rejection, humiliation, shame, or judgment? I have.

Fear of judgment, criticism, or shame? When I struggled with some critical comments and judgment years ago, I expressed my frustration to my husband Dan.

I winced at Dan’s abrupt and honest response, “Karen, not everyone is going to like you.”

Dan’s statement shocked me, as he reminded me that not everyone likes me or agrees with my opinions. And I’ve revisited that story many times, when I try to encourage others.

I still grieve over rejection or criticism, and I prefer to walk away from all confrontations. But I’ve learned a lot from my failures—in relationships and life.Photo/TaraRoss

Fear of new beginnings? In his book On Writing, author Stephen King says, “The scariest moment is always just before you start.”

Most people face rejections and criticism at some point–even well-known writers. As a writer, I know that the writing process demands prewriting, drafting, revising, and proofreading before  publication.

But many writers become offended or embarrassed when someone offers constructive criticism. Some writers even give up rather than face more editing, critical remarks, or rejection letters.

Fear of rejection and failure? Do you see rejection as failure? Failure often points us toward changes in our direction and priorities.

C. S. Lewis explained, “Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement.”

Author J. K. Rowling agrees with the advantages of failure.

Why do I talk about the benefits of failure? Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me.

Thomas A. Edison advised, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

Tempted to give up? Have you given up on something because of a failure?

I’ve been tempted to give up more times than I’d like to admit.

Matthew 26 describes a time when the disciples faced failure. They fell asleep while Jesus prayed, after He asked them to stay on the lookout for danger or trouble in the Garden of Gethsemane. They must have grieved over their lost opportunity and broken promise. But Jesus responded, “Get up! Let’s get going!” (Matt. 26:46 MSG)

There will be experiences like this in each of our lives … times of despair caused by real events in our lives, and we will be unable to lift ourselves out of them. The disciples … had done a downright unthinkable thing … gone to sleep instead of watching with Jesus. But our Lord came to them taking the spiritual initiative against their despair and said, in effect, “Get up, and do the next thing.” If we are inspired by God, what is the next thing? It is to trust Him absolutely and to pray on the basis of His redemption.

Never let the sense of past failure defeat your next step. (Oswald Chambers)

As you face the challenges of another new year, I pray you will be encouraged by God’s Word today.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (Josh. 1:9)

What helps you face trouble in your daily life?


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Filed under Getting to Know You

Sometimes, Sheep Bite

Sometimes we break past the stereotypes. Sometimes its fun to pretend those we are reaching, the unchurched & dechurched aren’t like other “church” people. We act like those typical things in ‘other’ churches isn’t going to happen here. And sometimes…that’s true.

sometimes sheep bite

The generation we are are seeking has been hurt by the organization we call church. They’ve had expectations unmet. But for the most part, they are just seeking genuine people who are trying to love and chase after Jesus.

Other times though, you get those who may or may not know Jesus but want to belong to a club or organization. To have a place to belong, have moral friends, feel good about themselves and their standing in the world. Sometimes we get those who have been in church for their entire lives and think they know how it should look, function, behave; these tend to be the sheep that bite.

Sheep that bite don’t understand the shepherd. They don’t understand His heart; His love for them; His real purpose in keeping them safe, directed, and shepherded. They lash out when things don’t go like they thought they should. When they fall away and get hurt, they bite. They hurt other people in an attempt to blame their hurt. They know they shouldn’t “blame” the Shepherd so they snip at other sheep.

The gospel is what we are about. We are not about contemporary worship, cool spaces for worship, catchy logos, cutting edge ministries that ‘no one else has thought of’, being tolerant, or hosting a fashion show of the finest looking Christians in town.

But at the same time we are not about ritual. The “we’ve always done ____”, bate and switch, “someone should be doing _____”, its a good idea so we {the pastor or someone else should head up} should be doing. it.

Pastors are stereotyped. Duh. Some good and some bad. Naming and claiming things is a whole lot easier when we start out dreaming up our vision for “the perfect church”. Setting firm on not being the co-dependent pastor and family works great on paper but when those sheep start nipping, can we stand our ground? Will we be able to hold to what we feel God has called our family to? Its oh so hard!

If you cave you feel like you’ve disappointed yourself. If you stand your ground, you feel like you’ve disappointed the sheep. We forget that even the Church of Acts had issues. “Church” should function great…if it didn’t involve people. Evil-hearted, tainted, drenched in sin People.

As just another sheep in the herd trying to help the other sheep find and follow the Shepherd, we have to remember who we are here to please. When our husbands, or we, don’t live up to the expectations we’ve set for ourselves or by others, sometimes, we get bit. Its gonna sting. We may need recovery time. But if we are sticking to God’s plan, it will be worth it!

Everyone will disappoint you at some point if you engage in a relationship. Digging deeper into relationships is where the hard truths come out. Christ was able to love the munching lambs because He saw past the snip. He dug deeper. Jesus found out why they lashed out. Then He finds out the reason behind the reason they lashed out.

See where I’m going? We may not want to hear it but there’s always a deeper story. You will never know everyone’s full history. But as part of the guiding sheep, its our privilege to love like Christ which means digging deeper. Caring longer. Putting on the extra bandages after being bit.

Siting in our needy world of selfishness, pouting about our injuries will only keep us in a downward sucking, all-consuming, mind-entangling, whirlpool of pity that renders us incapable of seeing and meeting Other people’s needs.

Let show this word some crazy love and chase down those biting sheep that should, by the world standards, logically be ‘put down’.

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Filed under Getting to Know You

Isn’t it Amazing?

We are currently hosting our oldest son and his wife while they are in transition from detaching from the Air Force. Along with the two of them came our grand dog Valkryie and precious toddler grandson Gideon. We love every minute of our time with them because we know that soon they will be off on the next grand adventure of the life.

As Gideon was enjoying the backyard and playing in the grass one day last summer (they moved from Vegas where there is very little green grass), I was captivated by how he found everything new and fascinating. Nothing goes unnoticed or untouched. He loves picking a leaf from a tree or plucking a blade of grass. He will gaze intently at the item, turn in over in his little pudgy hand, and let his little fingers feel of it. As he played in the grass, a gentle breeze ruffled his blonde hair. He stopped, looked up at the sky, and sat very still for a moment. Then Gideon turned around to me, smiled, and giggled. It was almost like he was saying, “Vivi, did you feel that breeze sent by God?” Even when he examines a leave or a blade of grass, Gideon will eventually extended his arm to show us his new discovery. Again, it is as if he is stating, “Guys, will you look at what God made? Isn’t it amazing?”

Watching Gideon discover nature, I have developed a new love for it as well. There is something beautiful about it. God, our Creator, knew exactly what we mere humans needed. He knew that summers would be hot and humid in the south; winters cold and harsh in the north, but the Creator spoke and created spring and fall. Of course, if you have traveled the globe, you will find different landscapes from deserts to mountains. Each terrain holds a unique beauty. Isn’t it amazing?

In our churches and ministry, we often overlook the work God is doing in our midst. Right now in our church there is a movement of God in our youth. Our teens have been challenged to read through the New Testament this coming year and in turn they have challenged the adults to step up the witnessing in our community. One group of teens took it upon themselves this summer to go to the downtown Little Rock River Front Park and share Jesus with complete strangers. They did this without any adult telling them to do it! Isn’t that amazing?

I have also seen in the last year and half of being at our church the way our congregation blesses us over and over. Among the blessings are farm fresh vegetables and eggs, a gift card for a night out to dinner, sweet notes to just say a person is praying for us or just glad we are here. I even have had several packages of M & Ms just show up at random times when I am having a bad day. Isn’t that amazing that God leads people to work in our lives?

So ladies, is God showing you something He has created or done in your life and saying, “Isn’t that amazing?”

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Filed under Devotional Thought, Encouragement, Family

Hospitality Friday

Happy New Year! I am so glad to see 2014. Now it is time to get FIT.

To be FIT it involves three areas, Food, faith, fellowship.

We need to eat the right things, think the right things, and be around the right influences. As you look outside and seem already tired of winter this is a great time to think of great ways to keep fit in all these areas. The month of Janurary can be long and cold if you don’t think ahead. Here are a couple of suggestions:

  • VBS is right around the corner, so January is a great time to have a VBS party. Then you can remember how hot you were during last year’s VBS. Picking your theme and decorating the tables and room always gets the teachers excited.
  • For a fellowship idea: soup is a great winter time meal with homemade rolls and fresh fruit salsa.
  • Our ladies have secret sisters and this the month. We reveal who has prayed for you all year and left notes of encouragement. This is great festive time, and the ladies play games and receive a new secret sister for the year. This is a great encouraging ministry and the ladies love it.

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