Category Archives: Top Ten

Top 10 Things You’ve Done as a Minister’s Wife that You Never Thought You Would Do

Okay sisters! It is time for another Top 10 List. I hope you enjoy it. I really want to hear from you about things you never thought you would do as a minister’s wife, so leave a comment.

Top 10 Things You’ve Done as a Minister’s Wife that You Never Thought You Would Do

  1. Mow the church lawn and acreage on a tractor with a bush hog. Oh yes sisters! I did this “little”
    job at our small rural church in Texas. Did you know you can get a nice tan while bush hogging?
  2. Be the janitor of the church. Yes I did and I did it with a smile on my face.
  3. Have your entire church congregation at your house on New Year’s Eve. This was a wonderful
    fellowship for our rural Texas church family.
  4. After a church member attacks you and the staff of the church, calmly but VERY firmly tell the person
    they were wrong. Yes, I threw my items that I had on the floor and VERY firmly confronted the person.
    I’ll just say it felt real good to express myself at that moment.
  5. Have the lead in a Broadway style Christmas production. Yes, this stay-behind-the scene gal was the
    lead character in our production at our church in Nashville, TN. Before I committed to the task, I had
    several long arguments with God telling him that I was not the person, however, He won the
  6. Be the keynote speaker or breakout leader at a women’s event. After the Christmas program lead, this
    task was easy!
  7. Go mud riding on the back of a 4-wheeler after 10 p.m. in the river bottoms with a group of crazy, fun
    people . . .and come back covered in mud. Been there and done this one and laughed all the way until
    I spotted a snake hanging in the tree my 4-wheeler rode under.
  8. Hold an open house at the parsonage and do all the cooking. Amazingly, I did not set the fire alarm
    off . . .wait, maybe the alarm’s battery was dead.
  9. Purposely sit in someone’s seat at church because they mentioned that it was THEIR seat. Shameful,
    aren’t I?
  10. See all the teen girls in your small group come to know Jesus as their Savior. This is my top favorite
    thing because these beautiful ladies will be with my in heaven one day and we will laugh for eternity.

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Filed under Being the Minister's Wife, Church Life, Top Ten

Top 10 Things No One Told Me about Being a Minister’s Wife

I love creating Top 10 List! I hope you enjoy the following list. I would love to hear some of your thoughts on what you wished someone had told you about being a minister’s wife.

Top 10 Things No One Told Me about Being a Minister’s Wife

  1. I would be janitor, nursery worker, lawn expert, youth leader, Sunday School teacher, etc. all at the
    same time at the same church. Yes, I did all of those jobs plus some and never was paid!
  2. I would have to reschedule or lose money on a canceled vacation because a church member passed
  3. I would be expected to be at church every time the doors are open.
  4. My potluck dishes would be judged. (The joke in my family is that dinner is ready when the smoke
    alarm goes off).
  5. My children would be expected to be perfect angels (whose halos were around their necks)!
  6. I would be a diva of fashion . . . well, maybe of comfy jeans and sweat shirts! I HATE pantyhose!
  7. There would be times when the pantry was empty, my husband would not receive a raise, or we would
    have a very sick baby, but God would always provide for our needs.
  8. I should not unpack all the boxes and never to get comfortable in one place because God would probably lead
    me to a new ministry. This relocation program has happened many times in our ministry.
  9. Ministry life can be a very lonely place. It can be lonely even when people are all around you.
  10. That I would fall in love with the people of my church, and they would always be part of my life.

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Filed under Being the Minister's Wife, Church Life, Top Ten

Top 10 Reasons Why Ministers’ Wives Are Allowed to Scream

1. Summer is here! You are supposed to sleep in but there is VBS, a mission trip, church camps,
summer sports, and swimming lessons.

2. Company comes . . .every weekend for a month!

3. As you come from putting away the final load of laundry from the company that just left, you
do a walk through the house to admire your housework. You stop in shock as you see muddy
foot and paw prints all over your clean kitchen floor.

4. Your husband calls to say he has invited the staff for a cookout-tonight!

5. Company is coming AGAIN!!

6. The garden plot you planted this year is doing nicely. All the squirrels, birds, and rabbits are
enjoying the produce.

7. The kids are whining that they are bored and it is only the first week off summer break.

8. Friends and family share their photos of their beach vacation and you MUST smile as they tell you about
the great time they had.

9. You put on a swimsuit for the first time since last summer and realize it shrunk!

10. After receiving another phone call that company is coming, you go to the cabinet for your happy pill
(M & Ms) jar only to find that it is EMPTY!!!

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Filed under Being the Minister's Wife, Church Life, Funny Ministry Moments, Getting to Know You, Hospitality, Just Plain Fun, Top Ten

Top 10 Reasons for a Minister’s Wife to Eat Chocolate

When I was asked to write a Top 10 blog article, my crazy blond brain automatically went to one of my favorite subjects–chocolate. I can give you every excuse in the book for eating chocolate. Seriously, I am the person who believes that chocolate should have its own food group. Today, however, I will limit my list to ten reasons.

1. An ounce of dark chocolate has been proven to keep our hearts healthy.
2. Chocolate releases endorphins which reduce stress. We all know that ministry has plenty of stress.
3. A rationed bag of M & Ms can keep an active preschooler PK entertained during a worship service.
Oh, and it can keep the PK’s mother calm as well.
4. Chocolate is cheaper than therapy. Being a minister’s wife, the mother of two sons, blond and
hormonal, I often question my sanity.
5. If you love M & Ms, there is a flavor for any occasion. For example, coconut flavored M & Ms are for
the beach and peanut M & Ms are for heavy duty stress. An additional bonus to M & Ms is that they
come in a variety of happy colors.
6. Sometimes you just need a “Hug” or a “Kiss.”
7. Eat chocolate to stave off the desire to slap someone (like a mean church member) . . . in Jesus name
of course.
8 God’s Holy Word says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalms 34:8
9. With all that we do each day, if we put “eat chocolate” at the top of the list, we can be assured we
will accomplish at least one thing on the list.
10. The top 10 reason to eat chocolate. . .GOD CREATED EVERYTHING INCLUDING CHOCOLATE AND HE

Well, this is my list for this blog. I may come back with more at a later date. Now girlfriends, share your favorite reason for eating chocolate.


Filed under Just Plain Fun, Top Ten