Monthly Archives: August 2015

I Am is Never I Was

There are some days when I really wish I could crawl in my corner with a full jar of M & M’s and forget about everything.  Seriously, it seems the laundry pile gets higher even though the washer and dryer run constantly.  I will not even mention my ironing basket!  Then, the housework never ends.  I always have good intentions of completing each of the task on my “to do” list, but by the time my husband comes homes in the evening, I find myself saying, “I was going to do such and such.”

Well sisters, there is one thing I am sure of.  Jesus will never be known as I Was.  He never grows weary of hearing all the prayers flooding the throne room of heaven.  He is with us in the midst of whatever is going on in our lives.  He is holding our right hand during difficult circumstances.  He is calling the wayward back to him.  He is faithful.  He loves.  He is completely in control of everything at all times.

As we strive to fulfill all the roles and duties of ministry and family, we (or at least I do ) need to be reminded that we have a Heavenly Father who cares for us every millisecond of the day and will care for us until He brings us to our heavenly home.  Why?  Because He is the great I Am!

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