Monthly Archives: January 2017


In our home during the New Year weekend, we began an all in clean out.  Clutter was in the garage, the attic, and in our closets.  My pastor husband toted items to the trash bins and to Goodwill.  It felt good to purge out our clutter and start with a clean garage, attic and closets.

I wonder as ministers’ wives if we should do some purging in our lives.  Think about it:

*Does bitterness hide in the corners of your heart?

*Has a hurt taken root and become a tree that helps your distance yourself from the person who caused your pain?

*Has Satan whispered lies regarding your personal appearance or performance causeing you to be inward focused?

* Have you forgotten your first love-Jesus?

If we are all honest, we have one of these issues or a similar problem cluttering our lives and spoiling our relationship with Jesus. 

I know in my own personal experience that clutter around our house causes tension and chaos.  We can never find an item and that brings on frustration.  However, when we clear out the clutter, life is much easier and peaceful. 

The same holds true with our spiritual lives. When our spiritual lives are lacking, we need to take time to examine what is going on.  If our lives are loaded down with life’s lies and messes, we cannot have freedom in Christ.  We cannot truly focus on our Heavenly Father.

I challenge each of us to examine our hearts in this new year and see what is cluttering our relationship with Christ.  Once we discover it, PURGE it!

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